Robotic Arm, Arduino controlled
Hello everybody! (:
Welcome to my -first- project page! This project will focus on the beginning of my robotic arm.
Beginning; About 1 or 2 months ago I got introduced to Arduino by a friend of mine. Soon after I found the LMR website and I've been hooked ever since.
After finding about all the possibility's Arduino has I couldn't decide which way I would go for my first bot. I decided to skip the Start Here robot, no clue why really.
At first I wanted to go with a 2WD bot, then I changed my mind and went for a tracked bot.. but after finding out all the track prices I changed my mind again.. and I set my mind on a Robot Arm :)
My end goal for the arm is quite unknown really. I cant decide between maybe something like an object tracker, or a gripper at the top or even downsize it like 5 times and go with a Rover 5.
At this moment the bot got finished building yesterday, after HOURS of designing, cutting, redesigning etc. Right at this moment I am working on the code so I can control the arm with 3 potmeters.
And now, the arm itself: The arm is about 20-30CM in height. It has 3 servo's to control the arm itself, and 1 servo to make the arm spin around its axle. The arm is made of 5mm Pespex, all glued together with Chloroform. The servo's are DYS S9650. (Oh, funny story, I ordered 4 of them cheap 9g servo's and got these s9650's delivered, they are quite a bit more expensive so thats nice)
Well, tell me what you all think!
Move his arm
- Actuators / output devices: 4x S9650 Servo's
- Control method: Arduino UNO
- Target environment: indoor