An Ardunio based robot informs you via an audible voice if your plant requires water. Turning it on, placing him in a dry pot, and following the robot's instructions is what you should do. First it will ask to pour water on plants.It will learn what constitutes good moisture for a plant and then begin monitoring your plant's moisture levels. It won't waste energy by speaking when nobody is around, it will speak only when someone is passing by. The infrared motion sensing eye detects when someone is in close proximity. Lastly, it utilizes a battery that can be charged via a micro USB cable.
Filters to create minion sounding voice are below:
Effect > Change pitch +50%
Effect > Low Pass Filter, 6-24dB, 1000-1200Hz
Effect > Amplify > OK
Effect > Leveler > Heaviest, -70dB > OK
Effect > Leveler> Heaviest, -70dB > OK
Make sure that in Audacity project settings are for 12000hz, 16bit and mono channel is used.
Then you can use AD4Converter or USBRecordingNbk1.3.0 from ./sounds_tools (GitHub)
Format SD card to FAT16/32 format. Nothing else should be on SD card except 0000.ad4, 0001.ad4... files (./sounds_source)