robot brush

Posted on 21/08/2011 by alegiaco
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Looking on the online robot shops I’ve seen that are sold the vibration motors. Then I said to myself: why not build a simple robot with a nice vibration motor? And so I tried to think of something original and super cheap. I went into the shop of my friends Chinese to make me some inspiration, and I found something very very nice: a vibrating massager. I disassembled the massager and made a little robot. This is the result:

robot brush

Looking on the online robot shops I’ve seen that are sold the vibration motors. Then I said to myself: why not build a simple robot with a nice vibration motor? And so I tried to think of something original and super cheap. I went into the shop of my friends Chinese to make me some inspiration, and I found something very very nice: a vibrating massager. I disassembled the massager and made a little robot. This is the result:

robot brush low cost

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