Robot arm

Posted on 04/08/2009 by stiffman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my attempt at making a robot arm from meccano (and meccano like knockoff toys) It probably would have been easier if it was all ordinary meccano, but I was using what I had  I'm yet to put any kind of grabber on it, and the pan still needs some work. but I think its neat enough to warrent posting online. Actally, its been this state for a while, and i've had it on my blog here: for a while   Its controlled by ...

Robot arm

This is my attempt at making a robot arm from meccano (and meccano like knockoff toys)

It probably would have been easier if it was all ordinary meccano, but I was using what I had

 I'm yet to put any kind of grabber on it, and the pan still needs some work. but I think its neat enough to warrent posting online. Actally, its been this state for a while, and i've had it on my blog here: for a while


Its controlled by a Picaxe 18x, with 2 servos for the arms, and currently one electric motor for the rotation, however, it pans rather fast, so i'm thinking of getting a servo modded for continuous rotation, and using that to control the pan of the arm


I'm also planning to eventually add a gripper, likely operated by a micro servo

another thing I wouldn't mind adding (which shouldn't be hard either) is some potentiometers as controls for the joints


so i can see a bunch of various sized servos coming my way for modding, and other various projects.

Moves joints - robot arm

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x servos
  • Control method: Picaxe18x
  • CPU: picaxe 18x
  • Power source: 4x AA batterys for servo, 3x AA batterys for picaxe
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: none (yet)
  • Target environment: indoor
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