Robo poker table

Posted on 23/07/2012 by chrisc
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Not quite sure what something has to be to be a robot, however this table has some electromechanical bits, is powered by an Arduino and will almost certainly talk :) The basic idea is a coffee table that transforms into a poker table at the press of the button, which will talk to you as it transforms and will potentially have auto levelling legs.

Robo poker table

Not quite sure what something has to be to be a robot, however this table has some electromechanical bits, is powered by an Arduino and will almost certainly talk :) The basic idea is a coffee table that transforms into a poker table at the press of the button, which will talk to you as it transforms and will potentially have auto levelling legs.

Transform into a different table type

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 high gear ratio dc motors, 4 home made rotary linear actuators
  • Control method: Button!
  • CPU: Arduino Nano 328
  • Power source: 18V battery
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Lever Switches, Key switch, push switch
  • Target environment: The Living Room
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