Robo In Action

Posted on 05/11/2010 by piusagius
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my robot Robo. I built him a while back for my daughter to enter in a recent robot gathering in town. He really moves in an interesting fashion. I had that motor on my desk for years and I found a brilliant use for it!! The trick was to connect the motor so it would turn. I knew it was working for as I was shrinkwrapping a connection the lighter I was using activated a motor and Robo turned!!

Robo In Action

This is my robot Robo. I built him a while back for my daughter to enter in a recent robot gathering in town. He really moves in an interesting fashion. I had that motor on my desk for years and I found a brilliant use for it!! The trick was to connect the motor so it would turn. I knew it was working for as I was shrinkwrapping a connection the lighter I was using activated a motor and Robo turned!!

Turns when exposed to any light. It can turn left or right

  • Actuators / output devices: 1 motor drive
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Power source: 2 nine volt battries
  • Sensors / input devices: Phototransistors
  • Target environment: Anywhere!
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