
Posted on 25/05/2010 by johnpmazzotta
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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My first robot - "roachbot". Simple and stupid. Bumps into things, backs up, turns around. Cardboard body, Arduino brain, differential drive wheels, whisker sensors. Took me about 8 hours total, including design, programming, and construction. Everything purchased ready-made except for the cardboard body. Got lots of great advice from this site!


My first robot - "roachbot". Simple and stupid. Bumps into things, backs up, turns around. Cardboard body, Arduino brain, differential drive wheels, whisker sensors. Took me about 8 hours total, including design, programming, and construction. Everything purchased ready-made except for the cardboard body. Got lots of great advice from this site!

Same as a real roach - runs around and annoys people

  • Actuators / output devices: 1:143 geared motors
  • CPU: Aruino Duomilanove 328
  • Power source: 9V battery for Arduino and 6V (4xAA) for motors
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Whiskers
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces
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