This is my first robot ever built using RF control interfaced through a microcontroller. Its named "Rickshaw", because it kind of looks like one. The remote is a standard key fob remote, broadcasting at a low 315Mhz. So when you press a remote button. A low level RF frequency is sent to a RX3400 Low Power ASK Receiver IC board. Then to a HT12D decoder board that's interfaced to the micro via reading digital inputs spread over 4 pins. This in turn directs (through code) which motor, or direction to go.
You can see in the video as I press a remote button, the corresponding decoder output pin drives low, which turns off an LED. The micro interprets this change of state on the pin, and outputs a PWM to drive a motor/motors.
While I've had these remote control parts for about a year. I finally put it together, and programmed the controller to implement it on a robot.
Parts list:
Solarbotics motors, wheels
Inex Controller
Inex Key Fob remote control
Inex chassis, cut down
Servo Tape
to start
loop [ SW1
sw4 ]
to SW1
loop [ ifelse (in 0)
[ ab, thatway
ab, setpower 8
ab, on ]
[ ab, off
stop ] ]
to sw3
loop [ ifelse (in 2)
[ b, thisway
ab, setpower 8
b, on ]
[ ab, off
stop ] ]
to sw4
loop [ ifelse (in 3)
[ ab, thisway
ab, setpower 8
ab, on ]
[ ab, off
stop ] ]
to sw2
loop [ ifelse (in 1)
[ a, thisway
ab, setpower 8
a, on ]
[ ab, off
stop ] ]
Remote Control Robot
- Actuators / output devices: solarbotics gear motors
- Control method: RF Remote Control
- CPU: Inex Controller
- Power source: 4 AA batteries
- Programming language: Logo Basic
- Sensors / input devices: RF remote control
- Target environment: indoors