Red-Dragon V3
My new Biped Robot "Red-Dragon V3"
what's new
-Remove the camera
-Replace the Arduino with a SSC32
-Create design throughout the robots
-Inserting the batteries over to robots for servo and controller. 6V NiMH 2500mAh + 9V 200mAh
-Add Relay circuit to power saver
-Add bluetooth to communicate with the computer
-2 Mini Servo to move the PowerLEDs for Light
The materials used by
10 Servo MG995
2 Mini Servo 7.5gr
SSC32 Controler
Battery 6V 2500mhA
Battery 9V 200mhA
Relay 5V 8A
4 Power LED
Plastic Box
And Alumioum
Control program robots and creators Animation
11/7/2013 New Version "Biped Suite 1.1.0"
Biped Suite 1.1.0
-Fix Serial connection
-Fix Play threading
-Add Donation
-Add WebExporer navigate to Greek Robotic Portal
Programs for the control of the robot can be downloaded for free from here
Walk forword,back.left,right,balance one leg, up-down 1 or 2 leg,Turn right-left,Control With Bluetooth
- Actuators / output devices: 10 Servo MG995 + 2 Mini Servo
- Control method: Bluetooth serial messages formatted by PC. Could just as easily be a cell phone.
- CPU: SSC32 Servo Controler
- Operating system: Windows
- Power source: 6v 2500mhA, 9V 200mhA, 5V 8A relay
- Programming language: Visual
- Target environment: indoor