Rebel, first attempt at building a robot.

Posted on 13/05/2008 by GobliZ
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is a first attempt at building a robot. For now it is able to follow a line, and to drive around free with obstacle avoidance. In the near future I will program it to follow someone/thing, and in the far future I will try to let it solve a maze. ie. find it's predefined goal in a maze. The programming bit wasn't the hardest for me as I am studying Computer Science. It was the electronics that I really had to dive into. But in the end that was also not the hardest. I really enjoyed building my ...

Rebel, first attempt at building a robot.

This is a first attempt at building a robot. For now it is able to follow a line, and to drive around free with obstacle avoidance. In the near future I will program it to follow someone/thing, and in the far future I will try to let it solve a maze. ie. find it's predefined goal in a maze. The programming bit wasn't the hardest for me as I am studying Computer Science. It was the electronics that I really had to dive into. But in the end that was also not the hardest. I really enjoyed building my first robot and I think many will follow.

The parts that I used for this robots are:

  1. Mini Bot Board II
  2. Atom Basic Pro
  3. 2x Continous rotation servo
  4. 1x 180 degree servo
  5. Ping))) Ultra Sound sensor
  6. Tracker sensor (3x Infrared sensors)

I am already busy in designing a wooden chasis for it. So the Rebel II is already being desinged. I hope I can soon upload some videos of it running. Also I will make the source code available if someone is interested.

Tell me what you think of it? some suggestions for improvement, critisism, all is welcome.


added 3 videos. In the first video rebel is following a line. In the second one it is navigating around and avoiding obstacles. In the third video, at the end, the batteries fell off and he dragged his guts around :P 

Line following, Driving around free with obstacle avoidance

  • Actuators / output devices: 2x Continous Rotation servo's for wheels, 1x 180 degree servo for controlling
  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Atom Basic Pro on a Mini Bot Board II
  • Operating system: AtomBasic
  • Power source: 9 Volt for powering the board, 4x AA (1.2V) for powering the servo's
  • Programming language: AtomBasic
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultra Sound, Tracker Sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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