Hello, first to apologize for my bad English,
Well, this is my first post I do, it's about my robot RObot this fact with Arduino, and is controlled via a Bluetooth connection, Arduino-bluetooth-android, my robot has two driving modes:
- automatic: is guided with its ultrasonic sensor, detecting and avoiding obstacles
- Manual: is guided by three driving modes
- buttons: driving using the buttons on the application, the basic movements, forward, backward, left, right.
- accelerometer: driving with the accelerometer which owns the cell in the X, Y.
- voice driving using voice commands, for this cell must be connected to a wireless network or Internet.

- arduino Uno
- L293D motor driver
- bluetooth module HC-06
- DC motors
- batteries and cables connections

for this version will change the chassis, he built a home Arduino shield where the van driver, salidasy inputs of the various components, as in the past had much wiring and turned me crazy, good mirandile well seemed a frog.

in this model he had a problem, when the batteries fell down was moving this malograba the robot.

in this version, to fix the problem at last, all we did was voltera the bottom, so the robot is higher and more attractive with his hat and Peruvian Chullo.

for its second version will only change the interface of the application, the button icons and add other commands.

in its latest version and more calm, patience and experience will completely change the interface, with new icons on buttons, most commands (mentioned above), and this is the final version of my application.

Thanks for your attention and I hope you liked my robot, very soon be uploading files and tutorials about building and programming RDbot and also the application.

robot controlled by Bluetooth