Posted on 18/09/2011 by mcsniper95
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This a RC Robot controlled by AM Waves, it is controlled by a microcontroller PIC18F2431, the comunication part is by a control comand in a small breadboard composed by switches, coder and emitter. In the Robot, there is the communication, power and motor control parts. THe comunication part is composed by receiver,encoder and leds. The power part is composed by the regulators and capacitors.the motor control part is composed by the microcontroller, lm293d and dc motors. For more informations visit ...


This a RC Robot controlled by AM Waves, it is controlled by a microcontroller PIC18F2431, the comunication part is by a control comand in a small breadboard composed by switches, coder and emitter. In the Robot, there is the communication, power and motor control parts. THe comunication part is composed by receiver,encoder and leds. The power part is composed by the regulators and capacitors.the motor control part is composed by the microcontroller, lm293d and dc motors.

For more informations visit EngMICAreawebsite: http://sites.google.com/site/mickaelarea


Navigate around via remote control

  • Actuators / output devices: DC Motors
  • Control method: RF Remote Control
  • CPU: Pic18f2431
  • Programming language: Microchip C18
  • Target environment: indoor or outdoor (dependant on weather)
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