RC Car to robot

Posted on 22/02/2014 by creativecorpse
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello guys! My name is CreativeCorpse and this is my very first "robot" project. I know that there are probably 5000 diffrent versions of this same exact robot but i dont care...this one is mine haha. Basically i just used a RC car that i found in my niece's box of old toys and took the board out and replaced it with my Arduino Uno r3 with the motor sheild and then ran the motor wires into the sheild and wallah!

RC Car to robot

Hello guys! My name is CreativeCorpse and this is my very first "robot" project. I know that there are probably 5000 diffrent versions of this same exact robot but i dont care...this one is mine haha. Basically i just used a RC car that i found in my niece's box of old toys and took the board out and replaced it with my Arduino Uno r3 with the motor sheild and then ran the motor wires into the sheild and wallah!

Navigates around the room using the PING sensor to look out in front of it. as soon as an object gets within 12 inches it backs up and turns left

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 dc motors
  • CPU: Arduino Uno R3
  • Power source: 2 9v Batterys
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: UltraSonic PING sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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