RC Car managed by Java leJOS NXJ

Posted on 24/08/2008 by esmetaman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This project tries to manage any RC Car which you can purchase in your city using a NXT brick and a Lattebox NXTe. 2009/06/07I am finishing a preliminar GPS navigation solution for leJOS project, but I have a problem to understand some value, azimuth.In my tests I had some problems to understand the azimuth value which is returned by the method AzimuthTo in a Coordinates Object. AzimuthTo return an angle which is referenced with North pole.In my tests I use a GPS point as goal: Goal: 40.445049309324573,-3.4673066139221191http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.445049309324573,-3.4673066139221191I ...

RC Car managed by Java leJOS NXJ

This project tries to manage any RC Car which you can purchase in your city using a NXT brick and a Lattebox NXTe.

I am finishing a preliminar GPS navigation solution for leJOS project, but I have a problem to understand some value, azimuth.
In my tests I had some problems to understand the azimuth value which is returned by the method AzimuthTo in a Coordinates Object. AzimuthTo return an angle which is referenced with North pole.

In my tests I use a GPS point as goal:

Goal: 40.445049309324573,-3.4673066139221191

I give you a GPS point which is located on the street where I did my tests:

Current: 40.445049309324573,-3.4673066139221191

If you make a line bettween the both points, the line is on the street but azimuth give a value 144º so if the robot change the course to angle 144, so the robot would leave the street. I don't understand how to use the value 144. Is it neccessary to make any trigonomical calculation to find the solution?

I have made a doc about the problem and some questions:

I made some videos about the system:

Do you have an alternative calculus to make the azimuth calculus?
Do you undertand my problem?

Today I begun to test my first GPS Navigator. Besides I have to improve the system which manage the steering maybe using PID or another technique...


If you take a look the prototype, I have uploaded some pics in my Flirck account:


This year I will use a new RC Car chassis, Maverick Strada model which I replaced some pieces, for example the speed controller. With this model, the place where is located NXT brick is more stable.

I have released a new gallery about this model:

NXTe allows me to control RC Servos and DC Motors easily. Currently I can go forward and backward. leJOS project has worked so hard to improve garbaje collector, to manage with NXT's CPU complex Java Programs.

I have released a new RC Controller. I am working on this tasks:

  1. Integrate GPS Subsystem
  2. Integrate Google Earth Support
  3. Improve autonomous subsystem
  4. Develop GPS Navigation
  5. Research Kalman Filter to make sensor fusion

I have published a map where you can see the place where I am doing the tests. I need a large area to test algorithms.


Further information here: http://www.juanantonio.info/jab_cms.php?id=228

Note: In my website, in the previous URL, it is possible to download a paper about the project.


Juan Antonio Breña Moral

Drive with an autonomous systems using ultrasonic sensors and GPS

  • Operating system: Java leJOS NXJ
  • Power source: 9V
  • Programming language: Java, leJOS (java for lego mindstorms)
  • Sensors / input devices: GPS, Ultrasonic sensors, RC Motor, RC Servo
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