Posted on 28/07/2009 by gg
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Finally RAT is finished. A rainy summer day the last of the programming was completed. The chassis is a piece of sewage pipe (previously unused), the weels are the "feet" from an old stereo amplifier, with hot glue for better traction. The bumper is plastic from the lid of an old paint bucket. It´s movements are quite random, it uses one of the "ears" to get a random seed. The sounds are programmed on a serial EEPROM (that took a while to figure out), and there is one program ...


Finally RAT is finished.

A rainy summer day the last of the programming was completed.

The chassis is a piece of sewage pipe (previously unused), the weels are the "feet" from an old stereo amplifier, with hot glue for better traction. The bumper is plastic from the lid of an old paint bucket.

It´s movements are quite random, it uses one of the "ears" to get a random seed. The sounds are programmed on a serial EEPROM (that took a while to figure out), and there is one program to program the sounds (using the ears) and another program to run the robot. The ears are also used to tweek the sounds when the robot is running.

The board is home-made with an Atmega328 (using arduino-everything) and the eeprom is an 24LC64. It also contains a voltage regulator, so the power source can be virtually anything. Programming is made using a mini usb to serial converter (ugly, but it works)

This is my first robot, and really just a toy (the name means Ridiculous Autonomous Toy) to learn about electronics and programming. Never did any of those before. The goal is to make a autonomus lawn-mower because I dont like to now the lawn.

Roaming arond making grumpy sounds

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 Hitec servos
  • Control method: totally random
  • CPU: atmega328
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: Whiskers
  • Target environment: indoors
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