rambling robot

Posted on 20/09/2009 by bobmalcomb
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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i am trying to build a metal detecting robot. i do not know anything about them but i used to do a lot of programming   so i just took a self propelled mower, took off the blade. i make it go in an ever-decreasing-circle. I paid a local electrical engineering company to interface to my metal detector thru the headset. When the headset goes off, it activates a signal which activates a solenoid to paint a spot on the ground where the metal is. I can completely cover an acre or 2 in an hour. I use ...

rambling robot

i am trying to build a metal detecting robot. i do not know anything about them but i used to do a lot of programming

  so i just took a self propelled mower, took off the blade. i make it go in an ever-decreasing-circle. I paid a local electrical engineering company to interface to my metal detector thru the headset. When the headset goes off, it activates a signal which activates a solenoid to paint a spot on the ground where the metal is.

I can completely cover an acre or 2 in an hour. I use a second detector and go around the edges. 

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