Posted on 14/11/2011 by gabriel_f
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Update: Finished second in the competition. Watch the videos for some action! This is my line follower, R.A.L.F, which stands for Really Awesome Line Follower. I built him to take part in Stockholms Robot assosications line follower competition.   The base is an old CD-ROM tray I for some reason had saved.  The motors are mounted on a piece of scrap wood I found under my desk. They are controlled by a Pololu Qik 2vs91 Serial motor controller.   It's controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560, ...


Update: Finished second in the competition. Watch the videos for some action!

This is my line follower, R.A.L.F, which stands for Really Awesome Line Follower.

I built him to take part in Stockholms Robot assosications line follower competition.


The base is an old CD-ROM tray I for some reason had saved. 

The motors are mounted on a piece of scrap wood I found under my desk. They are controlled by a Pololu Qik 2vs91 Serial motor controller.


It's controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560, since that was the only microcontroller I had that isn't being used for some other project at this time.


Here's his underside.


I redid the design during the weekend, those two little wheels would just get in the way.


So now, he's become tracked! Video of him doing some linefollowing will be up soon!

Follows lines with PD-control

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya twin gearbox
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: ATmel AVR ATmega 2560
  • Power source: 7.2V 900 mAh NiMh-pack
  • Programming language: wiring
  • Sensors / input devices: Pololu QTR-1RC line sensors
  • Target environment: indoor
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