Quadratic HomeBot

Posted on 03/09/2014 by janson
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  Starting a new robot with a quadratic baseshape.This is my second robot concept and I plan to use ArduinoMega + Raspberry Pi combination for this project. The project is in an early state and I will use this page as a project progress and image collector. Basic thoughts: - Metric System - Quadratic Shape - Stackable concept - enough room for sensors, power, etc. - two motorized wheels - two ballcasters - 12V - PLA + Metal   Sketches for the first baseplate layer:     First ...

Quadratic HomeBot


Starting a new robot with a quadratic baseshape.This is my second robot concept and I plan to use ArduinoMega + Raspberry Pi combination for this project. The project is in an early state and I will use this page as a project progress and image collector.

Basic thoughts:

- Metric System

- Quadratic Shape

- Stackable concept

- enough room for sensors, power, etc.

- two motorized wheels

- two ballcasters

- 12V

- PLA + Metal


Sketches for the first baseplate layer:



First produced parts


Housings for the ultrasonic sensors


 sr04 housing

Foldable housing for the 4x sr04 ultrasonic rangefinders. I want to mill it in 1,5 mm aluminium / 3mm two bladed tool. I need four of them... One additional mountingpoint on both side and one for the base...

sr04 housing

Today I milled the housing for the SR04 ultrasonics and some baseplates for the sensorhead - I need three more of this. The parts came out nicely -  looks usable :D


More to come... work in progress...

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