
Posted on 11/11/2011 by alex920a
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi guys this is my quadpod. I'm new with this kind of robot and i need a lot of help. I use lego pieces for the legs and the base. For the logic I used a ssc-32, and by now I simple use the lynxTerm toget him stand up (to transfer data i use the dfRobot bluetooth module compatible with ssc-32). If anyone can help me with the algorith to let the robot walk, I'll appreciate:) enjoy!. Edit soon.   Ps: sorry for the picture, but the iphone takes photos in a different rotation XD


Hi guys this is my quadpod. I'm new with this kind of robot and i need a lot of help. I use lego pieces for the legs and the base. For the logic I used a ssc-32, and by now I simple use the lynxTerm toget him stand up (to transfer data i use the dfRobot bluetooth module compatible with ssc-32). If anyone can help me with the algorith to let the robot walk, I'll appreciate:) enjoy!. Edit soon.


Ps: sorry for the picture, but the iphone takes photos in a different rotation XD

  • Actuators / output devices: micro servo motors tower pro
  • Control method: Bluetooth, ssc-32
  • Power source: 6V servo, 9 V logic
  • Programming language: C#
  • Target environment: indoor
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