PLUMBERbot Symet
This is PLUMBERbot...a BEAM Symet using a simple solar engine. His name derives from the fact that his apron is a teflon tape round and his hat is a plumbing trim surround that you'd find in your bathroom or kitchen. His solar cell captures the light and stores it in his capacitors. When his capacitors fill up, the energy is dumped to the small dc motor. In direct sunlight, this little guy runs continuously as seen in the video. Under less intense light, he'll twitch about when he feels like it. I included a couple of attachments of solar engine circuit schematics. Do a web search and you'll find a bunch of secondary research that will get you BEAMINg in no time.
Solar engine drives small dc motor and makes me smile
- Actuators / output devices: small 3vdc to 6dc motor
- Power source: Light and onlyl light...sunlight works best
- Sensors / input devices: just a solar panel and simple solar engine circuit
- Target environment: desktop or dashboard