picBot - "the Beast"

Posted on 10/02/2010 by sjriek
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This was my fist prototype that ended up being the AdMoVeo robot. The first exploration for the current design started with an earlier platform, based on a within the faculty of Industial Design developed microcontroller-board based on a Microchip PIC8F4550, used in the assignment Microcontrollers. This explorative platform called PicBot was to hard to program (for designers) and would need a lot of support form the technical staff. The platform contained besides the microcontroller two geared ...

picBot - "the Beast"

This was my fist prototype that ended up being the AdMoVeo robot.

The first exploration for the current design started with an earlier platform, based on a within the faculty of Industial Design developed microcontroller-board based on a Microchip PIC8F4550, used in the assignment Microcontrollers.

This explorative platform called PicBot was to hard to program (for designers) and would need a lot of support form the technical staff. The platform contained besides the microcontroller two geared motors with wheels mounted on a chassis, on top of that a PCB with a motor driver, some switches as collision sensors and a battery pack mounted on the backside.

doesn't look fancy, it does drive around and can bump into obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamiya twin gearbox controlled with a l298d motordriver
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: microchip pic18f4550
  • Power source: battery pack 7, 2v
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper switches
  • Target environment: indoor
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