PiBot UGV Observer
PiBot UGV Observer is an rover project that features sensors to scan the environment and wireless equipment to transmit data to the operator.
With camera and sensors able to measure the air quality levels, temperature, humidity, light intensity, UV, movement and other. The robot with an LCD screen attached sends data from sensors wireless to the remote control. This robot can operate by remote control or autonomously.
Parts :
1x Self made chassis
4x Chinese 12V gear motor 120RPM
4x modified brass hub with 4mm shaft hole
4x RC car wheels
4x Tamiya RC offroad rims CC01
Electronics :
1x Raspberry Pi 2
1x PicoBorg Reverse
1x Enviro pHAT
1x UltraBorg
4x HC-SR04 ultrasonic modules
1x 12V 3A UBEC
1x 12v LiPo 12000mAh modified charger
1x Self made led setup with shift register HD44780
1x Adafruit Mini 3-wire Volt Meter
1x Sparkfun serial enabled 20x4 LCD screen
9x LED
Width: 26cm
Height: 17cm
Length: 33cm
Weight: 3100g