Piano Poker

Posted on 03/09/2008 by wagoodman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This little guy (passively in the works) will evntually play the piano. The design will compose of 5 digits, four wheels, and will hopefully only take up the linear space of 2 fists. It's very very rough in design and still in the works: generally, you feed it a midi file, it will parse the notes, determine piano fingering, and play the piece. This is gonna take a while....

Piano Poker

This little guy (passively in the works) will evntually play the piano. The design will compose of 5 digits, four wheels, and will hopefully only take up the linear space of 2 fists. It's very very rough in design and still in the works: generally, you feed it a midi file, it will parse the notes, determine piano fingering, and play the piece. This is gonna take a while....

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