Parakeet Platoon Maze Platform

Posted on 07/02/2013 by drewtoby
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Update: My robot placed 4th in the touch sensor maze at the National Robotics Challenge, and was nominated for the Honda Inovation award as well! The next step for this robot is to be submitted to Club Jameco for production as a platform/kit. After all, it costs about $60-90 to make, compared to the $140-180 Boe-Bot. I will add a video of its maze run soon.   Looking back on how I entered the world of robotics, I wished that I had a sturdy, easy to program Arduino shield and platform. Well, ...

Parakeet Platoon Maze Platform

Update: My robot placed 4th in the touch sensor maze at the National Robotics Challenge, and was nominated for the Honda Inovation award as well! The next step for this robot is to be submitted to Club Jameco for production as a platform/kit. After all, it costs about $60-90 to make, compared to the $140-180 Boe-Bot. I will add a video of its maze run soon.


Looking back on how I entered the world of robotics, I wished that I had a sturdy, easy to program Arduino shield and platform. Well, I made what I wished I had. It turned out to be my best looking robot ever! I made the shield in Fritzing (to attach to the Arduino Uno and the robot). The PCB image is attached (it is double sided, the darker wires are on the bottom). I know I have some empty space and rough edges on the pcb, but it still works flawlessly. The body is laser cut plexiglass with a thin black top and thick white core. It is bendable too! I only programmed it to show the h-bridge in action. I have yet to finish programming the sensors.


Solves Just About Any Maze (When Completed)

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 dc motors
  • Control method: Arduino Uno with Parakeet Platoon Maze Shield
  • Power source: Rechargable Rc Pack
  • Sensors / input devices: 4 Bump Sensors
  • Target environment: Flat Surface (including ramps)
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