Pabumon 1.0

Posted on 03/09/2013 by tomispev
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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PROJECT CONTINUED! So I found a motor from a toy. Works fine. The same speed as the other. But I still have the problem with the whole robot turning. I'll post a video soon. Also, I renamed him. I'm a fan of Digimon and I want to name all my tobots after some of the monster from the series. :-D   This is the most complete robot that I could make due to having a very hard time finding any components for construction. Living in a second world country (Serbia in my case) has unbelievable limits ...

Pabumon 1.0


So I found a motor from a toy. Works fine. The same speed as the other. But I still have the problem with the whole robot turning. I'll post a video soon.

Also, I renamed him. I'm a fan of Digimon and I want to name all my tobots after some of the monster from the series. :-D


This is the most complete robot that I could make due to having a very hard time finding any components for construction. Living in a second world country (Serbia in my case) has unbelievable limits in going through just a simple robotics project as this. I could only find a ultrasonic sensor and that's it. If one of the DC motors breaks I can kiss this project goodbye. Even though I have been building it all for just a few days I've actually spent months tracking down most of the parts. The whole project so far cost me more than half of my monthly salary, but I still think it was money well spent. 

By chance the robot looks like the James robot by chickenparmi, but I guess it's because it's a very simple robot of a basic design. I didn't even know about James robot until I've already built Talos1 and found this site looking for some tips on how to program it better. But afterwards I made the same frame for the "head", since James' one was kinda neat. :-D


1. Arduino Uno Rev3

2. Adafruit Motor Shield

3. Chassis by MCStudio China, includes 2 DC motors, a switch and a case for 4x1.5V batteries

4. Case for 6x1.2V batteries (the 4xAA from the kit didn't provide enough power)

5. HC-SR04 UltraSonic sensor

6. Mini-Servo motor

7. Additional platform made from wood and a frame for the sensor


You'll notice it has two platforms. That's because the original one that came in the chassis kit didn't have the holes that matched those on the Arduino. So I made my own, plus I made a space to put the servo in. 


Talos1 Schematic

Navigate around via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: DC Motors, Mini-Servo
  • CPU: Arduino Uno Rev3
  • Power source: 6x1.2V for DC motors and servo, 9V for Arduino and US
  • Programming language: C/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04
  • Target environment: indoor, indoor flat surfaces
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