Posted on 10/01/2015 by wilsorob
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is OSIRIS a rover style robot that I will hopefully modify with autonomous gps control. Right now it is controlled with a 2.4 gigahertz aircraft radio and a 1.3 gigahertz video system. I am using a T'rex motor controller and the wild thumper six wheel chassis powered by a three cell lipo. I am using an mobius camera so I can record video along with transmitting the signal to my ground station. Here is a little video I filmed from the on board camera driving in a friends back yard. The yard is ...


This is OSIRIS a rover style robot that I will hopefully modify with autonomous gps control. Right now it is controlled with a 2.4 gigahertz aircraft radio and a 1.3 gigahertz video system. I am using a T'rex motor controller and the wild thumper six wheel chassis powered by a three cell lipo. I am using an mobius camera so I can record video along with transmitting the signal to my ground station.

Here is a little video I filmed from the on board camera driving in a friends back yard. The yard is not well maintained and it provided a lot of opportunities to test the robot. Oh an a little rollover at the end of the video. Wanted to see if I could climb the step in fpv. 

Added a few things to OSIRIS. Put in a pan and tilt for the cam and added a headlight. I also added a second battery to control some of the electronics. Now I have one battery for the motors and one for everything else. I found that this increased my radio range and cleaned up the video signal. Next project is replacing the motors with motors that have encoders.

Here are some more photos:


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