One Motor Walker ala EZ

Posted on 02/01/2012 by edwinzea
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Well this is my first successful robot, it my version from the one motor walker developed by Robomaniac, you can find a great tutorial here I used this servo from Hobby king they are very strong and cost only 3USD and give up to 4kg torque I made only slight mechanical changes on it, instead of using the gear I used a crossed bar, and the legs are made of a rod ...

One Motor Walker ala EZ

Well this is my first successful robot, it my version from the one motor walker developed by Robomaniac, you can find a great tutorial here

I used this servo from Hobby king they are very strong and cost only 3USD and give up to 4kg torque

I made only slight mechanical changes on it, instead of using the gear I used a crossed bar, and the legs are made of a rod I use in air-modelling it is strong and light but is not too easy to form. That is why the legs are not perfectly symmetrical but I think this give the bot a fumy walking style

I also added a loose feed back pin that make the walking patterns to change from time to time, which I really like :D look more organic to me :D if falls down in the second video

I also added a pair of blinking LEDs to make it look more insect like

Finally I used 4 Ni-MH batteries instead of the alkaline ones and I am simply using a plug instead of a switch



  • Actuators / output devices: one servo
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Bicore
  • Power source: 6v 1600mAh Ni-MH
  • Target environment: Indoot
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