omocha 2012

Posted on 21/03/2012 by egres
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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i decided to build this robot for Istrobot 2012, namely Ketchup House contest. LEGO was the choice, as there wasnt enough time and requirements were for quite a powerful bot able to move cans with tomato sauce weighting about 160g each. plus i wanted to try it this way and as there is plenty of room (max robot size is 30x30cm) this was ideal for lego aproach. further info with videos will follow once i manage to implement algorithm to follow grid lines and collect cans. 21.3.2012added first viedeo ...

omocha 2012

i decided to build this robot for Istrobot 2012, namely Ketchup House contest. LEGO was the choice, as there wasnt enough time and requirements were for quite a powerful bot able to move cans with tomato sauce weighting about 160g each. plus i wanted to try it this way and as there is plenty of room (max robot size is 30x30cm) this was ideal for lego aproach.

further info with videos will follow once i manage to implement algorithm to follow grid lines and collect cans.

added first viedeo - following straight line.

added video - detecting intersections and following line after turning

added video - navigation over the grid with can collection

work finished. the build was not as stable as should have been and ive had some problems with sensors on the competition board as well.

collects cans into the "depot"

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 NXT2 servos
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: nxt2
  • Operating system: undefined
  • Power source: 6*AA
  • Programming language: NXC
  • Sensors / input devices: nxt light, nxt2 color, hitechnic color, USG nxt2
  • Target environment: indoor, white surface with black lines
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