OmniWorm: An Omni-directional Inchworm made from scrap
All right, my robot is complete! It is an omni-directional robot that is also capable of inchworm-like movement. It is made from cardboard, dowel rods, and hot-glue. If you want to see how it is made, then check out my instructable!
Basically, this is a continuation of this project (which is now a dead pile of cardboard). Omniworm has two wheels beneath and two wheels on either side. When the sides are folded up only the bottom wheels move (tilt sensors). When it unfolds, the side wheels take the bottom wheels off the ground and become the main drive wheels. However, the fun does not stop there! Omniworm can also move like an inchworm (forwards/backwards) thanks to its "tail," or the top of the box, being able to unfold and scoot the "worm" along. If only it could inch more efficiently...
Drives, Unfolds, Drives, Inches, Looks Cute