Omniwheel Growbot test #2

Posted on 17/08/2009 by prettybird
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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 Here is another short clip at my Omniwheel Growbot programmed to run in 10 directions. Alot of mechnical problems for sure. Time to mabe make a more sound body. I am not sure if 2 wheels per axis are better then 1 wheel per axis considering surface contact vs drag. Also think the speed of a continous servo is not fast enough. Does anyone know the RPM of a Futuba standard servo? Any input would be appreciatted as usual. Back to the basement robotics lab.    

Omniwheel Growbot test #2

 Here is another short clip at my Omniwheel Growbot programmed to run in 10 directions. Alot of mechnical problems for sure. Time to mabe make a more sound body. I am not sure if 2 wheels per axis are better then 1 wheel per axis considering surface contact vs drag. Also think the speed of a continous servo is not fast enough. Does anyone know the RPM of a Futuba standard servo? Any input would be appreciatted as usual. Back to the basement robotics lab.



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