Omniwheel Growbot prototype

Posted on 09/08/2009 by prettybird
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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  I am new here and this is my second robot using a microprocessor. Electrinics in no problem for me but programming is new to me. I can see this bot will be alot more programming and tweeking then my first mini-monster Boe Bot (working on documantation). Spent around 6 hrs. just retrofitting the wheels. I plan on eventually going with 3 ultrasonic sensors or 2 Sharp IRs with an ultrasonic in the middle. Also planning on adding a 4 button R/C  controller and mabe a compass. Not sure if the Parallax ...

Omniwheel Growbot prototype

  I am new here and this is my second robot using a microprocessor. Electrinics in no problem for me but programming is new to me. I can see this bot will be alot more programming and tweeking then my first mini-monster Boe Bot (working on documantation). Spent around 6 hrs. just retrofitting the wheels. I plan on eventually going with 3 ultrasonic sensors or 2 Sharp IRs with an ultrasonic in the middle. Also planning on adding a 4 button R/C  controller and mabe a compass. Not sure if the Parallax BS2ic can handle but will find out. For now I am just using the whisker bumper switch. I am using standard futuba continous servos and was wondering if direct drive small DC motors would give it more speed. It seems torque is not an issue with these wheels. Not many people have used omniwheels in the Parallax forum. I would appreciate any input from you guys that have expermentted with this type of robot. I already found 4 wheels are easier then 3. Thanks in advance.

The more you learn, the more you find you don't know. It is neverending. Confucous 550 BC

Roam with eventual RC overide control

  • Actuators / output devices: Four servos modified for continuous rotation
  • Control method: Semi Controlled R/C eventually
  • CPU: Parallax Basic Stamp 2
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 7.2 V NiCad sub C
  • Programming language: pbasic 2.5
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor, Ultrasonic sensors, mabe Compass
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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