omniBOT (aka Jon Tyler) autonomous roaming

Posted on 09/06/2011 by tman
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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As promised, I added one more vid of omniBOT (aka Jon Tyler) to this listing.  J.T. is an autonomous roamer with three servos attached to holonomic wheels. Code is pbasic using a Basic Stamp and BOE serial with a USB converter stick. The code was revised from a bi-directional platform to that of a three wheeled holonomic platform. omniBOT navigates using a Ping sensor.  His routines are fairly efficient; avoiding and navigating around most obstacles.  The general ...

omniBOT (aka Jon Tyler) autonomous roaming

As promised, I added one more vid of omniBOT (aka Jon Tyler) to this listing.  J.T. is an autonomous roamer with three servos attached to holonomic wheels. Code is pbasic using a Basic Stamp and BOE serial with a USB converter stick. The code was revised from a bi-directional platform to that of a three wheeled holonomic platform. omniBOT navigates using a Ping sensor.  His routines are fairly efficient; avoiding and navigating around most obstacles.  The general chassis build took less than a couple hours.  The programming added considerable time to the project given I had to figure out the geometry of the holonomic wheels and adapt bi directional code to purpose.  Most of his components are leftovers from previous bot builds. Thanks to Parallax, Budget Robotics, Acroname, and Folgers for the coffee can lid. More to come.

Autonomous Roaming using 3 holonomic wheels

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 Parallax Continuous Rotation Servos mounted with 4cm holonomic poly wheels
  • Control method: autonomous...I.R.
  • CPU: Basic Stamp mounted on Board of Education
  • Power source: 6VDC via AA
  • Programming language: pbasic 2.5
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping Ultrasonic Sensor and Infrared
  • Target environment: indoors...smooth surface
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