Octobot spider robot

Posted on 24/04/2016 by karl_williams
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my latest robot named Octobot. It was designed entirely with CAD (Solidworks). Most of the parts were 3D printed. The 8 legged spider robot is controlled by a smartphone using Bluetooth LE. The control board is the Romeo BLE bluetooth and motor controller board from DF Robot. The robot uses only 2 geared DC motors. Each motor drives a set of 4 legs on each side. Will be adding some other sensors and using this robot to experiment with spider AI.

Octobot spider robot

This is my latest robot named Octobot. It was designed entirely with CAD (Solidworks). Most of the parts were 3D printed. The 8 legged spider robot is controlled by a smartphone using Bluetooth LE. The control board is the Romeo BLE bluetooth and motor controller board from DF Robot. The robot uses only 2 geared DC motors. Each motor drives a set of 4 legs on each side. Will be adding some other sensors and using this robot to experiment with spider AI.

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