new type of beam robot
this is a new type of beam robot: a talker it is just a prototype and a first of its kind,when it is in sunlight ,it springs to life, it can talk or chew all of its parts are created from old discarded toys and things it didnt cost much it only cost 5 pesos for the super glue,its solar cell is from old solar visor ,the gearbox is made from a wind up toy,the connectors is from an old broken mp3 and earphone,the motor is from an old toy.
B-biology- the biology of the talker is based on an orangutan movement of mouth
E-electronics-its electronics are simple it have one solar cell without solar engine
A-aesthetics-it is just simple but creative
M-mechanics-the mechanics are only one motor and a simple gearbox from an old wind up toy
it can be disasembled and can be asembled again,
talk, chew
- Actuators / output devices: motor with gear
- Power source: solar cell
- Target environment: table, sunlight