My Very First Robot:) DFRobot Rover V2 with IR remote control

Posted on 21/05/2014 by jeep2059
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hello Everyone,   This is my first robot.  I've always been interested in electronics, then  I became interested in the Arduino platform.  After getting the MAKE ultimate Arduino starter kit and realizing what a microcontroller was capable of, I decided i wanted a robot.  I came across the DFRobot Shop Rover V2 and had to have it:), So I bought it:).  Initially all I could do was make it go forward with the sample code, but I wanted it to do more.  After my initial ...

My Very First Robot:) DFRobot Rover V2 with IR remote control

Hello Everyone,

  This is my first robot.  I've always been interested in electronics, then  I became interested in the Arduino platform.  After getting the MAKE ultimate Arduino starter kit and realizing what a microcontroller was capable of, I decided i wanted a robot.  I came across the DFRobot Shop Rover V2 and had to have it:), So I bought it:).  Initially all I could do was make it go forward with the sample code, but I wanted it to do more.  After my initial attempts and limited success, to make it autonomous with a home made IR sensor (Im really cheap) it sat on the back burner for a few months.  After starting an internship at an oscilloscope company and going through the garbage I found an endless supply of 6 button IR remotes, so i decided to make it controlled with an IR remote.  I was easy enough to figure out the codes that the remote transmitted, making those codes do something was the difficult part.  I know next to nothing about C++, so it took some doing and dumb luck, but i finally have a functioning robot.  I obtained several IR Receiver modules (more dumpster diving (Sharp Microelectronics GP1UM261RK0F) or something similar) I was ready to start.  It was fairly straight forward to read the numbers the remote spit out and record those (there are plenty of tutorials to do this floating around, so I won"t cover those), the hardest part was figuring out how to motor controller interface with the given commands (it's easy enough to get an LED to turn off, not so much PWM).

My next steps will be to get the Bluetooth Bee to work and an obstacle sensor integrated into the code (any help would be greatly appreciated)  There will be lots of pictures, movies and code to follow, so stay tuned:)

It moves with input from an IR remote control

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