My Start Here Bot

Posted on 25/03/2009 by icon
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Well its been a while, but i finally finished the base. Right now everythings held down with double sided foam tape, but i plan on cable tying the motors down. Thanks to oddbot's tutorial i made a nice mounting bracket, cept the lighter discoloerd the shapelock a bit. I got all the wiring sorted out, thanks to isotope i was able to get my ping running. Right now i just have to order some header pins, and maybe the wheels (if anyone has a link to nice ones that fit onto the geared motors in the "start ...

My Start Here Bot

Well its been a while, but i finally finished the base. Right now everythings held down with double sided foam tape, but i plan on cable tying the motors down. Thanks to oddbot's tutorial i made a nice mounting bracket, cept the lighter discoloerd the shapelock a bit. I got all the wiring sorted out, thanks to isotope i was able to get my ping running. Right now i just have to order some header pins, and maybe the wheels (if anyone has a link to nice ones that fit onto the geared motors in the "start here" bot that'd be great) but i was waiting a bit because im going to order an arduino at the same time. I just need some help with the code, ill be attaching it to this post hopefully. Due to the lack of a servo, the entire body of the bot will be turning left and right to scan once it detects an object. Vid will be up soon. Im still unsure if i got the code for the ping down. 


Last minute edit: 

i added the servo and screwed the ping bracket onto the servo horn



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