my start here arduino robot

Posted on 30/11/2009 by dimbleswishblade
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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 this is my first robot using arduino , it uses a l239d motor driver and is basicaly my atempt at making a start here robot . Parts list : 1) arduino starter pack X1 2) solarbotics g8 motors and wheels X2 3) motor mounts for the g8s (i didnt use them but they would be beter)X2 4) infrared sensors X2 5) ...

my start here arduino robot

 this is my first robot using arduino , it uses a l239d motor driver and is basicaly my atempt at making a start here robot .

Parts list :

1) arduino starter pack X1

2) solarbotics g8 motors and wheels X2

3) motor mounts for the g8s (i didnt use them but they would be beter)X2

4) infrared sensors X2

5) breadboard (about the same size as arduino )

6) micro servos X2

7) l293d motor controller

8) some header pins (cut into 3 and solder wires to each pin)

Things you can add :


1) cut thin scrap wood (about 8 millimeters thick) in to 2 squares of 13.5 cm x 13.5 cm

2) in one of the squares cut hole the same size as your servo base , about 1cm from one of the edges .

3) paint desired colour

4) useing a hot glue gun glue the motors in place (as shown in top picture), with some small screws ,screw in the arduino .

the breadboard will have adhesive tape on the back, peel of plastic and stick in place.

5) useing this walk through set up your motor controler

6) drill 2 holes in the back corners of the wood to fit your spacers and one above the arduino (do the same for the 2nd piece of wood .

7) put your servo in place , and srew into wood ,

8)  made a pan/tilt system with a bit of scrap metal , (you can do the same if you wish but is not needed )

9) screw in your infrared sensers(as shown below) attach header pins (look on the sensor connect VIN and GND to the bread board power lines  and OUT to a digital pin on your arduino.









10) program!!!!!!!!!!


 The code:
const int infra=3; 
const int infra2=4;  
  void setup()
 pinMode (11,OUTPUT);  
 pinMode (10,OUTPUT);  
 pinMode (infra,INPUT);   
pinMode (infra2,INPUT); 
 void loop()    {    
   if (digitalRead(infra)== HIGH)   
   {         driveforward();   
      if(digitalRead(infra) == LOW)   
  delay (500);      
  delay (500);       
delay (2000);  
  else if (digitalRead(infra2)== LOW)   
   { stopmot();       
 delay (500);      
   delay (500);       
delay (2000);     
  void driveforward()
 {   digitalWrite(13,HIGH);   
 digitalWrite (11,LOW); 
  digitalWrite (12,LOW);
 void stopmot()
void reverse() 
  digitalWrite (13,LOW); 
  digitalWrite (10,LOW);
 void right()
digitalWrite (10,HIGH); 
  digitalWrite (13,LOW);  
 digitalWrite (12,LOW);  
 digitalWrite (11,LOW);
 void left()
 digitalWrite (13,HIGH); 
  digitalWrite (11,LOW);  
 digitalWrite  (12,LOW); 
  digitalWrite (10,LOW);
be patient with your codeing ,it took me a little while ( and the help of guys on this site) to get the code working  


so this is my etempt at a robot that will teach me arduino , hopefully i will add some i2c devices ,an ultrsound sensor ,lcd, real time clock ,epeerom  etc. 


update: well, i want to get back to this as soon as posible,but i need a new motor driver so im thinking when i get that i may as well plan a complete rebuild of him, maybe redeisgn him with an arm? what do you guys think?


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