my frist robot

Posted on 10/05/2013 by vikirobot
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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iam intrested in making robots for about past six months, discussed lots of my ideas with my friends. after some time i felt iam just saying and not doing any thing ,so i planned to do a simple obstacle avoidance  robot. i named the bot chiti after the famous tamil movie "enthiran" by super star rajinikanth. this bot have two ultrasonic sensor in either corners of the front side controlled by arduino uno. it goes straight, if it finds obstaclce it avoids it by turning left or right or back accordingly. after ...

my frist robot

iam intrested in making robots for about past six months, discussed lots of my ideas with my friends. after some time i felt iam just saying and not doing any thing ,so i planned to do a simple obstacle avoidance  robot. i named the bot chiti after the famous tamil movie "enthiran" by super star rajinikanth. this bot have two ultrasonic sensor in either corners of the front side controlled by arduino uno. it goes straight, if it finds obstaclce it avoids it by turning left or right or back accordingly.

after finishing this i thought to add control via android phone. i used rocket bot controller app, it packed with lots of features.i used only direction control feature.

the problem i felt is when want android control i miss obstacle avoidance and vice versa.

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