My First Segway

Posted on 04/12/2010 by pisanggoreng
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first arduino project ever. I at first wanted to create a wireless car with a camera mount so that i can drive around the building. I started at the car scrap where I found two wiper motors for 10 EUR total (!). The man told me these things were incredibly strong so I figured why not carry me around then? The idea for a segway rose. btw: the video is still an old one, i will upload a newer one asap   Thanks to people from the circuits-online forum I soldered my own motor control whose ...

My First Segway

This is my first arduino project ever. I at first wanted to create a wireless car with a camera mount so that i can drive around the building. I started at the car scrap where I found two wiper motors for 10 EUR total (!). The man told me these things were incredibly strong so I figured why not carry me around then? The idea for a segway rose.

btw: the video is still an old one, i will upload a newer one asap


Thanks to people from the circuits-online forum I soldered my own motor control whose cables frequently melted - a lot - I finally got it working without any heat issues - thanks to the MOSFETs and thick enough wires - I first used ordinary transistors, but they got pretty warm:

After the wiring has been made thicker, it finally worked. here's a video of me standing on it and controlling it using the WASD-keys on my macbook in Processing:


To control it, I use my android phone with TouchOSC (just released - 1 dec 2010). It sends the current x,y coordinate of my finger on the touchscreen to my macbook with Processing. This sends a signal through the xbees to the arduino in my segway.

I have a new video of me (standing on it riding it) still in the want-to-edit/upload-queue, so pls wait for more! 




I now hooked up an AXIS ip camera and a wifi router. now im able to watch the cam-feed on my iphone and control it with my android phone!!

Brings me everywhere

  • Actuators / output devices: two opel vectra wiper motors
  • Control method: WiFi, XBee, through my phone via TouchOSC
  • CPU: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Operating system: Mac OSX
  • Power source: 4Ah 12V battery
  • Programming language: Arduino, Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: Touchscreen OSC messages from Android phone, maybe more in future
  • Target environment: indoor
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