My first Robot: TrafoBot 08

Posted on 02/02/2011 by becdanek
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is TrafoBot 08. It was my first robot crawler and I test this in Campus Party Valencia 2008. The brain is a 16F876A and has a grid of 8 sensors CNY70. Has two servos rigged so it is a little slow but sure enough, does not fail. At the top I put 8 LEDs to monitor the reading of CNY70 and assist in the programming and debugging. I took the box from a broken transformer. Now, with time, I see the mistakes in the beginning but are needed to evolve.

My first Robot: TrafoBot 08

This is TrafoBot 08. It was my first robot crawler and I test this in Campus Party Valencia 2008. The brain is a 16F876A and has a grid of 8 sensors CNY70. Has two servos rigged so it is a little slow but sure enough, does not fail. At the top I put 8 LEDs to monitor the reading of CNY70 and assist in the programming and debugging. I took the box from a broken transformer. Now, with time, I see the mistakes in the beginning but are needed to evolve.

Line Follower

  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos Futaba 3003
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: PIC 16F876A
  • Power source: 8 X rechargeable batteries 1.5V
  • Programming language: CCS
  • Sensors / input devices: 8 x CNY70
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