My First robot- the line tracer

Posted on 08/03/2012 by ykotobot
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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It is my first robot and it is mainly made up from scrap. 2 motors+motor driving IC+sensor logic board+4sensors side view sensor logic board for 4 sensors using LM324N+voltage regilator circuit using 7805 IC this sensor board was too unreliable that's why i fabricated the pcb below this is the logic board for controlling 8 sensors with led indication+2 sensor board I have modified the robot a lot after this but the pics r not currently available, soon I will upload them also.

My First robot- the line tracer

It is my first robot and it is mainly made up from scrap.

2 motors+motor driving IC+sensor logic board+4sensors

side view

sensor logic board for 4 sensors using LM324N+voltage regilator circuit using 7805 IC

this sensor board was too unreliable that's why i fabricated the pcb below

this is the logic board for controlling 8 sensors with led indication+2 sensor board

I have modified the robot a lot after this but the pics r not currently available, soon I will upload them also.

navigate via infrra red,traces black or white line

  • Actuators / output devices: 300 rpm motors
  • CPU: atmega 16
  • Power source: 7.2v li-ion battery
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: IR sensors
  • Target environment: indoor
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