my first robot

Posted on 24/04/2009 by patrickmccabe
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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my robot is using the picaxe18 power board from he turns both ways and decides which way is better to go and goes that way   here is my code:       symbol dangerlevel= 84   Main: readadc 0,b0 if b0<dangerlevel then low 4: high 5: low 6: high 7 goto main else label_1: readadc 0,b0 end if high 4: low 5: high 6: low 7 if b0>75 then goto label_1 else  low 4: high 5: high 6: low 7 pause 500 readadc 0, b0 high 4:low 5: low 6: high 7 pause 1000 readadc ...

my first robot

my robot is using the picaxe18 power board from he turns both ways and decides which way is better to go and goes that way


here is my code:




symbol dangerlevel= 84



readadc 0,b0

if b0<dangerlevel then

low 4: high 5: low 6: high 7

goto main


label_1: readadc 0,b0

end if

high 4: low 5: high 6: low 7

if b0>75 then

goto label_1


low 4: high 5: high 6: low 7

pause 500

readadc 0, b0

high 4:low 5: low 6: high 7

pause 1000

readadc 0,b1

low 4: high 5: high 6: low 7

pause 500

end if

if b0<b1 then

low 4: high 5: high 6: low 7

pause 500

goto main


high 4:low 5: low 6: high 7

pause 500

end if

goto main


navigate around using sharp ir

  • Actuators / output devices: 1:58 ratio twin tamiya gear motor box
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: picaxe 18x
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: inside
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