My First Robot

Posted on 11/02/2009 by dc3k45
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Based on Fritsl's design I'm working on my first robot. I built the robot and it works but the only problem is that my servo won't do anything. I copied and pasted the code and the motors moved but not the servo. I don't think the sharp ir is working either. I think I might know what is wrong with the sharp ir. If I can fix this then the servo might work too, but I'm not sure. I will keep this updated if I fix it.  (Sorry for bad picture quality I took the picture ...

My First Robot

Based on Fritsl's design I'm working on my first robot. I built the robot and it works but the only problem is that my servo won't do anything. I copied and pasted the code and the motors moved but not the servo. I don't think the sharp ir is working either. I think I might know what is wrong with the sharp ir. If I can fix this then the servo might work too, but I'm not sure. I will keep this updated if I fix it.  (Sorry for bad picture quality I took the picture with a digital video camera that doesn't take as good pictures:)

Navigate around using Sharp IR

  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: Batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor
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