My First Robot

Posted on 10/11/2011 by bjro
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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So, I have been kind of dabbling with this thing for maybe 6 months (idea to conception) and well I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but it just doesn’t work the way I had expected it to. Maybe it has something to do with the IR sensor but it seems like it will avoid different colors of flooring in my office. Well in doing so it will end up completely ignoring walls and such and well not avoid them as planned. I have tried to make it as modular as possible. It’s still a work in progress. ...

My First Robot

So, I have been kind of dabbling with this thing for maybe 6 months (idea to conception) and well I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but it just doesn’t work the way I had expected it to. Maybe it has something to do with the IR sensor but it seems like it will avoid different colors of flooring in my office. Well in doing so it will end up completely ignoring walls and such and well not avoid them as planned. I have tried to make it as modular as possible. It’s still a work in progress. If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Move and Obstacle avoidance

  • Actuators / output devices: one servo, Tamyia Gear box 58:1
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor
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