My first robot!
It is with mixed emotions I want to introduce you to my first robot! I am both excited and frustrated hehe. Excited becuase I put it together and it looks very sexy (i know lots of wires here and there but i still find it sexy hehe). Frustrated because I got the servo to respond and I got one motor to respond. However the other motor and the eyes do not do anything. I know that the other motor works fine (i switched the motors back and forth between the pins and figuered out that both work but only and the "high" not "low")
I am not sure if my soldering over heated the board in those areas or if the pins are the problem. I know i can still get it to move and interact using one wheel (bit of out of the box thinking will have to take place lol) but the eyes are what is really frustrating me.
What do you guys think?