My first Delta Robot with hobby servos

Posted on 13/06/2013 by zetetikhos
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi, I have just finished my first delta robot, and at the moment I'm trying to program it somehow. It is not easy, but fortunatelly I have found enough inspiring code and howtos on the net. The robot is made out of three standard cheap Hitach servos, alu bars, ordinary ball joints and cnc-cutted  laminated plastic pieces. The design of the milled parts is made in Rhinoceros (it is not a big deal). As driver I'm trying to use an Arduino Leonardo board (I really hope, that I will be capable someday ...

My first Delta Robot with hobby servos


I have just finished my first delta robot, and at the moment I'm trying to program it somehow. It is not easy, but fortunatelly I have found enough inspiring code and howtos on the net. The robot is made out of three standard cheap Hitach servos, alu bars, ordinary ball joints and cnc-cutted  laminated plastic pieces. The design of the milled parts is made in Rhinoceros (it is not a big deal).

As driver I'm trying to use an Arduino Leonardo board (I really hope, that I will be capable someday to implement proper G-code programming on it), or a Pololu Mini Maestro 12 for pick and place tasks.

That's all for now, I will return later with more details and video. Sorry for my poor english.


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