my first bot

Posted on 11/11/2009 by endura
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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so this is my first robot it has (4 servos)  3 for three legs  and 1 servo that will rotate the ir range finder a arduino for the brain. it is no ware near done yet the chassy is almost there now it is time to learn the electronic side of it :)

my first bot

so this is my first robot it has (4 servos)  3 for three legs  and 1 servo that will rotate the ir range finder a arduino for the brain. it is no ware near done yet the chassy is almost there now it is time to learn the electronic side of it :)

wen it is done i would like it to avoide obsticals and chase the cat to

  • Control method: autonomous maby bluetooth to pc latter down the track
  • CPU: atmega328
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor
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