My First... Blind MicroCore

Posted on 15/09/2011 by granthus
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Greetings LMR Where to start.  Recently I have once again picked up my love for Electronics and decided to branch into the facinating field of robotics.  While researching etc etc, I came across BEAM.  Well this got me inspired and this is the result.   Unfortunately however I have come to a bit of a standstill as my multimeter took an unfortunate dip in some water so I have to wait for my replacement so I can test some of the motor driver output values (as I suspect the current ...

My First... Blind MicroCore

Greetings LMR

Where to start.  Recently I have once again picked up my love for Electronics and decided to branch into the facinating field of robotics.  While researching etc etc, I came across BEAM.  Well this got me inspired and this is the result.


Unfortunately however I have come to a bit of a standstill as my multimeter took an unfortunate dip in some water so I have to wait for my replacement so I can test some of the motor driver output values (as I suspect the current is too low to effectively to drive the motors)

Anyway, This bot is dumb.  Its blind, deaf and - well - stupid but since it is simply experimental to get familiar with BEAM, then thats fine by me.  I am still constructing the chassis and the gearbox(s) for the motors as they are some old salvage parts from cd/dvd drives and thus turn a 'little' far for a walker.

Update: 17/09/2011

While waiting I decided to sort out my gear's and start construction of the chassis.









Chassis & Hip



Final bot will be a 4 legged walker, with the 3rd motor (the barrel one) being used for hip movement - at least thats the plan.





  • Power source: 2 AA batteries
  • Target environment: indoor
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