My first biped 2.0

Posted on 12/02/2012 by wily_inc
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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This is my first attempt into making a biped walker.  I have no such background in either electronics or robotics.  Nor do i have any experience with tools or crafting.  My first robot was the start here bot kit that i got from solarbotics.  I had a blast putting it together. While i learned a lot from that kit it made me hungry for more. So for Christmas I got a new Picaxe 28 board and 8 servos and went to work trying to do something else. After a while and many failed attempts ...

My first biped 2.0

This is my first attempt into making a biped walker.  I have no such background in either electronics or robotics.  Nor do i have any experience with tools or crafting. 

My first robot was the start here bot kit that i got from solarbotics.  I had a blast putting it together. While i learned a lot from that kit it made me hungry for more. So for Christmas I got a new Picaxe 28 board and 8 servos and went to work trying to do something else. After a while and many failed attempts to produce something worthwhile i shelved it. I was digging around on youtube and i saw a Lynxmotion robot biped walker. It sparked and interest in me making a walker of my own and i thought i would give it a shot. The above videos are what I came up with after about 3ish hours of work.

The frame is built from 1/8 inch PVC sheets that I cut using a jigsaw and held together with hotglue and screws.  I am currently using zip ties to hold the battery and picaxe board on as I haven't figured out a more permanent solution (I am thinking Velcro.)  As seen in the video above i am using one servo to push a foot up and change the center of balance so when the second foot servo moves it balances the weight over that foot (if that makes any sense)  Then i use the hip servos to move the other leg forward.  Then both leg servos center and then the hips center.  Then it repeats the process over and over. 

This is still very much a work in progress and i am looking for any feed back, comments, or criticism.  Realize that I have little grasp of complicated concepts and have never worked with anything but what is in the start here kit.


Update 2/13/12

Just uploaded a video of my newest changes.  I increased the servo move speed to max thanks to a suggestion from merser.  I also added some rubber bands for traction and reduced the hip motion to help with stability.  I am going to look for a permanent solution since I do not like the look or feel on the rubber bands.


Update 2/20/12

I took a suggestion from Ro-Bot-X and tried moving the legs in closer to the center of the "waist" and it worked like a charm.  It is now really easy to change the center of balance and it makes walking much smoother.  I also slowed down the walking to Pause 500 in picaxe and that helped stop most of the sliding i was having (some is still there and it still slides hard to the right (as seen in the new video it was going to walk off my desk.))  My next step is to work on left and right turning and some fine tuning of walking straight.  After that i am planning on adding a sensor for object avoidance.  I was thinking ultrasound but i am not sure.  If anyone has any suggestions or feedback i would love to get some.  Thanks.

Sorta walks

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 servos
  • CPU: Picaxe 28
  • Power source: 3 AAA
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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