My Boe-Bot

Posted on 04/09/2011 by dph
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Hi Everyone Here is my Boe-Bot.It's a fun kit from Parallax that comes with a great book and bunch of parts. I knew absolutely nothing when I started and going through their lessons has taught me a lot.(well a lot more than I knew before) He has been configured to do most the basic stuff including: Dead Reckoning Drive Perfect Circles Navigating with bumpers Photovore/Photophobe Follow a Flashlight Beam Navigate with Ir LEDs Navigate with Ping In the video he is navigating with Ir LEDs and receivers         UPDATE ...

My Boe-Bot

Hi Everyone Here is my Boe-Bot.
It's a fun kit from Parallax that comes with a great book and bunch of parts. I knew absolutely nothing when I started and going through their lessons has taught me a lot.(well a lot more than I knew before) He has been configured to do most the basic stuff including:
Dead Reckoning
Drive Perfect Circles
Navigating with bumpers
Follow a Flashlight Beam
Navigate with Ir LEDs
Navigate with Ping

In the video he is navigating with Ir LEDs and receivers





UPDATE 10/19/2011:

Well sorry it took me forever to actually make this post. In response to ignoblegnome and Ro-Bot-x's comments I made a short clip using the same hardware setup but with frequency modulation. It could definitely a little smoother and more responsive but I hope this helps to show how useful these can be depending on how you program them. 





  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos modified for continuous rotation
  • CPU: Basic Stamp 2
  • Programming language: pbasic
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces
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